Dave & Carrie Baker
Mission Partner - i6eight
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Dave is the United States Director for i6eight in Mexico.
He comes alongside individuals, families, churches, and
organizations to assist in ministry awareness, trip
coordination and planning, participant preparation and
training prior to and during trips to build homes or
assist in outreach programs. I6eight desires the trips to
be a discipleship opportunity for teams on both sides of
the border, not just a trip and not just a house build.
They identify resources in the US to support the mission
of i6eight as a Gospel proclaiming, disciple making,
compassion ministry and work as a liaison in Mexico for
traveling groups. Proclaim Gospel in all things we do on
both sides of the border. Dave is always working on
identifying and developing additional ways the churches
in the US can engage and support the Gospel and
ministry work in Mexico. He coordinates the
administrative and operational process and procedures
for transparency and accountability for their business
10645 N Tatum Blvd Ste 200-138
Phx, AZ 85028