Welcome to our High School Ministry page. We gather for a student worship service on Sunday mornings from 10:45 am-12 pm, and small groups on Wednesday nights from 6:30 pm-8 pm. These environments are designed for students to connect with other students and leaders, learn and discuss God’s Word, and discover how to apply God’s truths and ways to our life.
HSM Sunday Mornings
Come and check in at one of our kiosks and meet a few people your age. There’s plenty of time to hang out before we start, so jump in on a game and grab a soda and snack.
We will have a gathering time to introduce any announcements, corporate worship with the student body, and a time of prayer or reflection. We will then jump into a time in God’s word for teaching and engagement in how to live out God’s ways, grow in our walk with Jesus, and pursue Jesus with our whole heart.
HSM Wednesday Evenings
We'll start with a time to hang out, so jump in on a game and grab a soda and snack.
We will have time to gather to introduce any announcements, play a game, have a time of worship and devotional on the night’s topic, and then you’ll head to small groups.
In small groups, you’ll connect with other students of the same gender and grade for engaging conversation led by one of our trusted leaders. During this time, we encourage you to ask questions, share your thoughts, or sit back and take it in. We want this time to be where students are honest with each other, their faith, and Jesus.
We intentionally incorporate meaningful camps, retreats, and mission trips into our high school program that will show or call our students into life-long followership of Jesus.

Winter Camp 2025
Lost Canyon Williams, AZ January 17th-20th
Drop off at Desert View January 17th: 4:30pm
Pick up at Desert View January 20th: 1:15pm
Cost: $260 (Includes $100 deposit due at time of registration, camp shirt, transportation & dinner before we leave for camp.)
Final Payment due by December 18th.
For more information or further details, check out our church calendar online, or contact Nick Fergerson at nfergerson@dvbcaz.org or 480-423-4882.