Worship Arts Ministry
At Desert View we desire that our Sunday morning musical worship be God-directed, Christ-centered and congregationally accessible. We want to be a church that sings well! The Apostle Paul directs us to do the same, “…teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16). Musical worship is formative and helps to shape our understanding of the Gospel. We have the privilege of singing to one another, reminding each other of the matchless worth of Jesus.

How do I get involved with DVBC Worship?
Our worship team is made up of 3 areas: worship choir, band, & tech team. If you play an instrument or love to sing, and would like to get involved, please contact Billy Fourt. If you would enjoy serving in a sound/tech/lighting role, Adam Crane would love to hear from you.
To express interest in our Worship Choir, please click on the link below. No audition or experience required.

First Impressions Team
Some of the most important folks we have serving are on our first impressions team - greeters, ushers, info & welcome counters. If you enjoy making others feel welcome and serving to make their experience in worship a great one, please contact Kelley Burwick.