Men's Ministry

The mission of our Men’s Ministry is to equip and encourage the men of DVBC to Live for God, Love Each Other, and Build God’s Kingdom – together!

How do we accomplish this?

Live for God - pursuing a life of active worship and discipleship

Love Each Other - building meaningful, Christ-centered connections with other men

Build God’s Kingdom - serving and making disciples of Christ in our homes, workplaces, communities, and around the world

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Spring 2025 we will continue in the New Testament book of Acts.

There are three tiers, all studying Acts.

Tier 1 - Less intense study in Acts with little to no homework.  (This class is only on Thursday nights at 6:30 pm with Larry Fultz and Russ Wolff as the leaders beginning Jan. 23.) Cost is $15 for returning participants & $25 for newcomers.

Tier 2 - More in-depth look at Acts using the NavPress LifeChange series - expect 1 1/2 to 2 hours of homework a week. Cost is $25 for study materials. Starts Monday night Jan. 20, or Tuesday Jan. 21 or Thursday Jan. 23, both mornings & evenings.

Tier 3 -  This Level Three class uses Kay Arthur’s Precepts Upon Precepts Acts Part 2, a deeper level study using the Inductive Bible Study Method.  You will spend approximately 3 hours a week on homework. (This class, led by Scott Lindenmoyer, meets only on Thursday mornings, Jan. 16-May8 at 8:30am.) $35 fee.

For more information, email

Men's Retreat

April 25-27, 2025

Make plans to join us at the best camp in Arizona (Young Life’s Lost Canyon) for a weekend of great teaching, worship, and fellowship.  The cost is $210 and scholarships are available.  Click the buttons below for more information and to register.

Affinity Groups

Get to know other men at your church by doing something you already enjoy – together.  Join one of the groups by clicking on the link below, or start a new Affinity Group of your own.  Once you join the group, the AG leader will reach out to you to let you know when the next gathering/outing is scheduled.

Current groups include:

  • Fitness
  • Archery
  • Shooting
  • Softball

If you want to join an existing group, click the "join" button below.

If you would like to lead a NEW group, click the "volunteer" button below.

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For those men who desire a holy and pure walk in a world filled with temptation. This group is designed to help those facing sexual temptation with a strong emphasis on scripture, discussion, teaching, and prayer. Easy parking and entrance from the rear lot, Northwest corner of patio.  Monday nights at 7pm, Building C, Room 208.  We are going through the material, one of the highest rated programs on this subject.

For more info:

Helping Hands

Helping Hands is one of our ongoing Outreach Ministry Teams. Their desire is to serve widows, single moms, and those otherwise unable to attend to physical needs at their home. If you’d like to join the team, please click on the link below.

Men's Breakfast

Join our Men's Ministry for a great breakfast and fellowship with men from DVBC. Bring your sons, dad, friends and neighbors.

Our next breakfast will be May 3, 2025, 7-8:30am.