DVBC Missions

Desert View Bible Church seeks to share the Gospel and make disciples. As part of accomplishing those goals, we are engaged in both local and global missions. Desert View has selected organizations to support that are in line with our statement of faith and who are engaged in spreading the Gospel to unreached people.

Global Supported Missions

Andy & Margaret Andersen

Africa Inland Mission - Tanzania

Dan & Cathy Davis

He Intends Victory - Ministry to victims both infected and affected by HIV/AIDS

Mike & Stacy Wiebe

Commission to Every Nation

Langham Partnership

Because every church deserves a well-trained pastor.

Local Supported Missions

Short Term Mission Trip, November 2024

Mexico website

i6eight Family Mission Trip

SAVE THE DATE for the Mexico Mission Trip - November 14-17.
Take yourself, your spouse, or your whole family on a mission trip to Mexico this November. Build a home for a family in need and change lives.

Most of the costs for the trip are for building supplies to be used in building a home.  If you would like to donate to reduce the cost for the volunteers, there is a box in the lobby of Building C. Accepting cash, or checks made out to Desert View Bible Church with Adult & Family i6eight in the memo field.