• One person investing themselves into another person's life and spiritual formation.
  • Equipping you with Biblical information that will give you the needed resources to grow and develop your spiritual life in a one on one or small group setting.
  • Learning how to feed yourself on the Word of God and how to share your faith with others.
  • Learning how to become a multiplier (a person who makes disciples who makes disciples, who makes disciples, etc.)



Jesus' Example

Life on life discipleship is the way Jesus did ministry. He lived with, modeled, and walked with His disciples, teaching them everything they needed to know about their faith in Him. It's also the method the early church used to spread the gospel - one person investing in another person's spiritual formation.

Spiritual Growth

Being discipled by other mature Christians will help you progress faster in your faith and gain clarity about how to live the Christian faith in a world that desperately needs answers. You can get equipped to help others who seem to be stuck in their Christian faith.

Jesus' Command

Jesus commanded and commissioned ALL of us, His followers, to make disciples. He didn't tell us to go and make church attenders, converts, or even believers. He told us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). If we take Jesus seriously and take Him at His Word, it's our joy and privilege to join Him in making disciples of all nations.


Just ask those who are doing it. When you experience up close yourself and others growing in faith, there are few things in life that can compare to the fulfillment that this can bring. Our desire is that all followers of Christ can become "multipliers" themselves and experience the joy of discipleship.


to get started...

Get Discipled Yourself! Connect with one of our Disciplemaking Coaches right now by reaching out to adults@dvbcaz.org.

Take our Discipleship Training Course. This class will teach you how to get started discipling others.  Learn from some real-life disciplemakers how to invest in the spiritual growth of others.  This 6 week class, led by Pastor Mike Bohlmann and retired Pastor Jim Ellick (our Discipleship Ministry Coordinator), is offered every September and February.  Cost?  FREE!  Click the picture on the left to visit our Adult Classes Page to register. Note:  if you don’t see the course listed there, please return during the registration season (Jan – Feb & July – Sept).  For more information email adults@dvbcaz.org.

Take advantage of our Disciplemaking Resources. These resources are recommended to you by our veteran disciplemakers to help provide you with solid curriculum for your discipleship sessions. You can view these resources by clicking on the picture to the right.